Thursday, January 10, 2013

Taking the Nation

Innovation is critical for success in this day and age.  Life is changing too fast to continue doing what you have always done.  One of the great innovators of our time is Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church.  He has built a mega church (by not building a building), he has launched a worldwide movement (Purpose Driven), he has infused new strength in the missions movement and is always looking for new ways to bring the Gospel to the world.

"TED is a nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading."  It is a wonderful project bringing new ideas in short bursts of videos.  Rick shares on one of the TED videos about innovation:

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Board Myths

Carter McNamara is a prolific writer and amazingly knowledgeable about many things including nonprofit organization and Board.  Take a moment and read about 10 Myths about Boards.
Posted: 31 Dec 2012 01:42 PM PST
There are numerous myths that seem to persist about Boards of Directors.  Here’s a list of 10 of them.

Myth –The phrase “corporate Boards” refers to for-profits Boards. It does conventionally, but nonprofit Boards are Boards of a corporation, too, so they’re both “corporate Boards.”

Myth — A Board of Directors can delegate its fiduciary accountability to another body, for example, to a subcommittee.  No, courts have held that the entire Board is always responsible for its fiduciary duties, not a subcommittee.

Myth — The Board Chair is the boss of the Board.  No, if a quorum of the Board members wants the Chair gone, then he/she is gone.

Myth — Working Boards are immature Boards.  No, many organizations prefer a more hands-on Board.  That’s fine, as long as they’re attending to their fiduciary roles, too.

Myth — To get more attendance by Board members, have less meetings and bring cookies.  No, it’s more effective to get engaged members if you demand that members attend.

Myth — All Boards should have term limits.   No, in small communities, you’d have to clone people if you have term limits on every Board.

Myth — The Strategic Planning Committee should do all of the planning, too.  No, the Committee should be in charge of ensuring a high-quality planning process, but all Board members should be involved in planning — or in approving the overall Plan.

Myth — Board members are officially Board members once their names are on the Board minutes or a roster.  No, courts discern a person to be a Board member if there’s proof that he/she has been acting like a Board member, e.g., attending meetings, taking part in votes, etc.

Myth — For-profits Boards and nonprofit Boards are very different.  No, most of the nature of their Board operations are the same, other than for-profits attending to director compensation, stocks and shareholders (and any rules and regulations for listed/public companies).  Nonprofits attend to volunteers and perhaps fundraising.

Myth — Strategic planning always follows the same process.  No, the process should be highly customized to the purpose of the planning, and to the nature of the client. 
Also see:  McNamara Blogs